What Could Go Wrong?

What Could Go Wrong?

Bill Maher and Megyn Kelly had a discussion on race last night. What could go wrong? If you guessed everything, you win.

The Twittesphere has responded. Two particular posts stand out; then a few quick personal notes.

And another one. . .

Personal Notes

So, I am wondering. . .

When I was nine years old, at a friends house in the suburbs, and his younger brother announced “no black people allowed in the pool,” was I not supposed to be burdened by race?

When I was around twelve years old, and called a “nigger” several times during a hockey game, and had to be escorted from the rink by the police for protection, was I not supposed to be burdened by race?

When I was growing up, being the product of a black Jamaican mother and a white Jewish father, and kids in my mostly white elementary school would say: “Oh you’re lighter, you’re not really like the other black people,” was I not supposed to be burdened by race?

When I was kid, and my mother would answer the door, in a business suit, looking regal, and Joe the Plumber would ask “is the lady of the house in”, was I not supposed to be burdened by race?

When my brother and I jogged in a community we lived in for years, and just about invariably got stopped and harassed by the local police, was I not supposed to be burdened by race?

These are, of course, rhetorical questions.

Some people get it, some people don’t, some people are forced to.

These two need to get a grip.

Final days of Black History Month. This foolishness. FFS.

Cicely Tyson R.I.P.

To end on a higher note. Watch this Cicely Tyson video. Wash out the ugly, let the sunlight shine in. I’d pay good money seven days a week, and twice on Sundays, to hear someone like Cicely Tyson share wisdom, more wisdom and even some more wisdom, on issues of race.

What could go wrong? Nothing. Nothing at all.

Getting dusty in here.

****You can also find me @DonLew87 on Twitter.