About Sunlight Reports

Sunlight Reports is a webpage to analyze, dissect and report the news. We chose the word “Sunlight” after due consideration. It is premised on the tried-and-true idiom: “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”

Far too much corruption is swept under the rug, done under cover of darkness and not met with timely consequences. We are mindful of another idiom: “Everyone eventually sits down to a banquet of consequences.”

Don Lewis runs this webpage. Don is a Harvard University and Harvard Law School graduate. He was a member of legal team which successfully exonerated a Black Mississippi man who spent 14 years on death row for a crime he did not commit. Don has always been a steadfast fighter for truth and justice, which is one of the driving forces behind Sunlight Reports.

Without further ado, we are also mindful of a third idiom: “No matter how fast you run, your lies will catch up to you.”

Thank you for tuning in and joining us on our journey. If you like what you see here, tell your friends, spread the word and The Sunlight!