Is Donald Trump Touchable?

Is Donald Trump Touchable?

On the heels of impeachment, “Teflon Don” was trending on Twitter. The suggestion was former President Donald Trump’s ability to avoid consequences for his actions thus far, likened him for former New York City mafia capo John Gotti, aka “Teflon Don.” Is Donald Trump touchable?

As we know, Gotti eventually went down. Former United States Assistant District Attorney Mark Pomerantz was one of the prosecutors who made it happen. In an interesting twist, per the Hill Reporter, Pomerantz is now involved in the Manhattan District Attorney’s pursuit of criminal charges against Trump.

John “Teflon Don” Gotti Junior

A Guardian article captures the aura around Gotti Jr. in his heyday.

“Gotti in his 20s was a real terror. He was always palling around these tough guys and he considered himself untouchable.”  ~ Mafia Expert Selwyn Raab.

FBI surveillance photo. Thomas (Tommy Sneakers) Cacciopoli, John (Junior) Gotti and John Cavallo. (New York Daily News Photo Gallery)

Prosecutor Mark Pomerantz

According to Reuters, Mark Pomerantz, 69, was chief of the criminal division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York from 1997 to 1999. He oversaw a racketeering case that sent Junior Gotti to prison.

In the world of gangsters, Pomerantz was perhaps to Gotti Jr, as Chicago based Prohibition Agent Eliot Ness was to Al Capone. A line from Ness, perhaps applies to the Manhattan District Attorneys’ pursuit of the former President:

“Never stop fighting till the fight is done.”

The Pomerantz news is making the rounds; a post from an aptly named Twitter handle speaks of a “high profile white collar attorney specifically for Trump” joining the NYC prosecutorial efforts.” That attorney is Michael Pomerantz. The comments to “Hoodlum’s” post are worth a review.

Donald Trump has pulled more shenanigans than we care to recount. He has avoided criminal consequences, just as he avoided two impeachment convictions.

Al Capone believed he was above the law. Jim Malone of Eliot Ness’s crew clarified “The Chicago Way” to bring down “Scarface.”

“You wanna get Capone? Here’s how you get him. He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue! That’s the Chicago way, and that’s how you get Capone!”

Is Donald Trump touchable? The Manhattan DA’s office is coming for the former president. While there is no need for guns or morgues, the New York Way just may include the expertise of the “Teflon Don Killer,” Mark Pomerantz.

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