Is Donald J. Trump the Greatest Grifter That Ever Lived?
As reported in the Associated Press:
“Trump needs you,” one fundraising email implored.
“President Trump’s Legacy is in your hands,” another pleaded.
Others advertised “Miss Me Yet?” T-shirts featuring Donald Trump’s smiling face. . .But there’s a problem [for Republican candidates]: Trump himself. In his first speech since leaving office, the former president encouraged loyalists to give directly to him, essentially bypassing the traditional groups that raise money for GOP candidates.
We are left to wonder: Is the Former President the Greatest Grifter that Ever Lived?
Who’s in his class?
We are generally harsh on the Former President. But we would be remiss if we did not point out a good buddy of Sunlight-Reports.com who gave Donnie Dangerous some due.
“To be fair to him, there’s a whole 35% of the nation right now that’s raising their hands and letting everyone know that they’re the most easily manipulated [expletives] in American history. It’d almost be irresponsible to not rob them blind too.”
Donald J. Trump on a personal fundraising campaign. Perhaps at the expense of GOP candidates. It should surprise absolutely no one.
It is all about Donald. It has always been all about Donald. It will always be all about Donald.
Grifters Gonna Grift . . .
***You can also find me @DonLew87 on Twitter.