Sandra Sellers, an adjunct Georgetown Law Professor, has been terminated, and David C. Batson, another adjunct, placed on administrative leave. The axe came due to statements Sellers made during a Zoom call with Batson. We love primary source, so let’s go to the short video tape, courtesy of Twitter account @hahmad1996. Sound up.
The video speaks for itself. You can read more about the issue in the New York Times.
Shades of Al Campanis
The comments of the adjunct Georgetown Law Professor triggered recall of a 1987 Al Campanis segment on Ted Koppel’s Nightline. At the time, Campanis was General Manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers; he also played with Jackie Robinson back in the day.
Koppel asked about the absence of black managers, black general managers and black owners in major league baseball. Things get particularly interesting around 55 seconds into the clip. Brace yourself, this is incredible.
The great Martin Luther King Jr famously said: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
On that note, we close with a brilliant 2-minute video created by a Twitter account @Politicsrus4. Martin Luther King Jr. is featured. If you watch anything today, watch this. Trust me.
As a society, we must strive to be more King Jr., and less Sellers and Campanis.
We have to do better.
***You can also find me at @DonLew87 on Twitter.